Turisme d'Olesa
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Mirador del Coll de les Espases


The name of this mirador refers to the legendary swords of fire which fell around the fortified hermitage of Sant Salvador de les Espases, it is a genuine balcony overlooking Montserrat. A panorama of the whole of the Montserrat mountain range and Monastery opens up for us, as well as a vast quantity of mountains which together form the Cordillera Prelitoral Catalana mountain range.


In this same mountain pass you can see a panoramic screen with names of the different locations. Among other places, you can see the town of Serra de Rubió, Collabató, the Cairat gorge, the Puda de Montserrat health resort, the Sant Benet monastery, the Sant Salvador de les Espases hermitage and the Puig Cendrós mountain.


Different paths emerge from this mountain pass. The eastern path leads to Pla del Fideuer, Puigventós and Sant Salvador de les Espases, and finally, Vacarisses. The western path returns to the town of Olesa de Montserrat through a trail, and also, anyone who prefers to can go to the Cairat gorge along the Voluntaris path; the southern path is a forest trail which leads to Olesa de Montserrat. There is also a trail which goes behind the iron manger that is installed in the same mountain pass as the Espluga cove.


In this mountain pass there is also a picnic zone with benches and tables and a monument to mountaineers from Olesa, installed by the Centre Muntanyenc i de Recerques Olesà.

  • Cartellera inicial
  • Panorama des del coll de les espases foto de joan soler
  • Mirador

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Olesa de Montserrat is a municipality rich in culture and tradition, located in the foothills of the mountain of Montserrat. Olesa de Montserrat is located in the north of the comarca (county) of Baix Llobregat, in the subcomarca of Montserratí, halfway between Barcelona and the Montserrat Monastery. The natural area of the municipality, with its beautiful and magnificent scenery, is bounded by the Llobregat river and the mountain chains of Sant Salvador de les Espases and Puigventós. Olesa’s roots are markedly agricultural; it is noted in particular for its cultivation of olives of the palomar or Olesan variety, native to the region, from which the famous Olesan oil is extracted.





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Escut Ajuntament Olesa de Montserrat
Consorci de turisme baix llobregat
Diputació de Barcelona
Generalitat de Catalunya